Democratic Error with this control cookie
an ideal colourless economic democracy where one poor, black or white
one vote.... actually does not holds a major impact in democratic life,
because poor people have poor education and poor judgement or
inability to judge Dredd ideas and economic ideologies of dread or not
and economic issues that would be a big problem for democracy in the XXI
th century fox. But we do not live in the real waterworld, but in a
virtual one not an ideal world to survive in the long run, and in the
long run, let's say twenty years... the further away you move from the
ideal of democracy
the less rational the virtual democracy becomes.
You're in the United States, have some non democratic moments and the party allegiance in 1850-1880's and 1898-1914- 1919 or 1932-1945 have becoming emotional processes (emotional political and economic processes i should say) like the Obama or the Bush son or father election's or the Reagan's against Carter
And of course the CIA FBI manipulation of elections in this foreign or domestic political candidates or those working directly for the economic~political conglomerates or manipulating those weak links buying their allegiance, there's a pot of drugs at the end of the american rainbow.Iran -Contras ....und so weiter
The issues are unimportant, being merely emotional control cookie's or control touchstones for uninformed voters and in this democratic fail who votes? Doctor Who votes?
the less rational the virtual democracy becomes.
You're in the United States, have some non democratic moments and the party allegiance in 1850-1880's and 1898-1914- 1919 or 1932-1945 have becoming emotional processes (emotional political and economic processes i should say) like the Obama or the Bush son or father election's or the Reagan's against Carter
And of course the CIA FBI manipulation of elections in this foreign or domestic political candidates or those working directly for the economic~political conglomerates or manipulating those weak links buying their allegiance, there's a pot of drugs at the end of the american rainbow.Iran -Contras ....und so weiter
The issues are unimportant, being merely emotional control cookie's or control touchstones for uninformed voters and in this democratic fail who votes? Doctor Who votes?